If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.  ~ Nikola Tesla

Life was much more mystical and mysterious than what we had previously imagined. We were like pioneers, discovering new lands, delving into the unknown territories of what lay beyond our three dimensional boundaries, knowing that there was something more out there, something beyond what we could see with our limited human eyes”. Lilith White – The Other Side of my Reflection (go to book)

We all know that the world is made up of different types of people. We don’t all look the same, have the same dress sense and apart from us having different personalities and aspirations, we also have varying religious beliefs or spiritual outlooks. Within the myriad of variables, there are also more subtle distinctions between us. These are the less easy, to see or explain, influences that make up who we are and how we contact and operate in the world we live in.

Highly sensitive people, who display heightened empathic qualities, tend to come into the world with a deeper ‘knowing’ that there is more to life than just what’s obvious and on the surface, that there is something else going on,  beyond what the eyes can see. Most ‘empaths’ will tell you that they knew that they were different from a young age. They seemed to ‘feel’ the world on a different level and understood that there was more out there, even if they didn’t or still don’t know exactly know what that meant or means.

Nicola Tesla, understood that it was impossible to understand the universe unless the ‘energetic forces’ beyond the physical, were considered. Just think about a simple conversation you may be having…there are the words that are being exchanged then each participants inner thoughts or memories, evoked by the words being spoken then you have each person’s individual perception and then you have the ‘energy’ that the  words create….how do they make you feel? Are the words attracting positive or negative vibrations, do they bring up historical connotations of something that happened in the past or do they instil a feeling of doom or excitement about something in the future. Whilst all of this is going on, you may be forming an opinion or impression about the person speaking and all of this is creating yet more energy. This is the level of input the average person will experience either consciously or sub-consciously.

The empath will pick up other energetic influences. They may not know that the speaker had an argument with their lover the night before or that they drove to this meeting with a certain amount of road rage and when they walked into the room, this person had a negative attitude even though he was smiling. All of this is being communicated on an energetic, sub-conscious level but the empath feels it, without really knowing why they are feeling extremely out of alignment. A third party may comment afterwards, “What a nice guy” but the empath will instinctively know there is more to it than what was communicated on the surface.

Many empaths experience great resistance because they don’t actually like to see so much. I know that many times in my own life, I wished that I didn’t have the ability to see straight through people, and straight into the heart of situations. Over the years I learned to keep my inner wisdom to myself because I often had a feeling of not being heard or of being labelled as negative or judgmental. Who was I to form an opinion based purely on a ‘gut’ feeling?

Empaths who are tuned in to their intuition are natural healers and counsellors. They don’t need doctors or psychologists to tell them how to heal themselves and those around them but can get really frustrated because the majority of people around them are looking for ‘proof’ of everything…they want to see the degree or certificate that quantifies or qualifies your knowing. Many of us eventually give up, step back and recoil into an insular world where we can ‘know what we know without having to defend our position’. The greatest sadness is that we have so much to offer but more often than not, we give up trying to share our knowledge and insights because we fear that we will not be believed.

When I started writing The Other Side of my Reflection, I had absolutely no idea where it was going. My original idea was to write an inspirational book. During the time I was writing the book, my life and my outlook took a completely different turn. After my thirteen year journey, where I was given insights into the afterlife, I wondered if anybody would actually believe my story. After all, who was I to claim I knew so much? The fact that consciousness continues after death, is now being scientifically proven by doctors who are studying out of body experiences of patients who have died and been resuscitated. They have now reached the conclusion that ‘mind’ is not limited to brain activity and who we are, in our physical form, does indeed continue even after death . When I deduced this in my book, purely from my own experience, this was not a universally accepted concept.

So when we talk about energy, we are talking about how ‘everything’ operates in the universe, including the fact that we are all actually energy, making use of a physical vessel for a short time. It is said that energy can’t be created or destroyed.  It can only be transformed from one form to the other.  This suggests that our energetic form exists before birth and beyond physical death. 

I believe that in our physical form, our brain acts as a filter system to protect us from input overload and that we are only able to deal with and assimilate a certain amount of energetic thought forms at a time. Empaths do not have the same amount inbuilt filters that the majority of people have. The empath’s filtering system seems to be much more open to energetic input, which is why they are more insightful but at the same time much more vulnerable. It can be extremely overwhelming yet at the same time, an invaluable asset.

There has been a lot of focus on how the empath needs to manage their ability to pick up negative and toxic energy from others but very little about the great power the empath possesses to transmute energy. Many years ago, street lamps used to often go out while I was driving along various roads. Was my energy really affecting street lamps? I don’t have a clue but if my energy was that powerful and I actually owned it then imagine what other amazing feats I could achieve. What if moving away from that toxic person, in your life, was a way of disowning your power? What if you could be around that negative, energy vamp and effect change by transmuting it on subtle levels?

Nelson Mandela referred to this amazing quote by Marianne Williamson, in one of his speeches, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Empaths intuitively know, that they came into this earthly realm for a purpose yet their purpose, often seems to elude them. What if you were already living it and it wasn’t something out there you needed to look for and find? It’s what we do day to day, how we tune in and transform the fields of vibration around us moment by moment. Every event, in our lives, big or small, is an opportunity to be divinely on purpose and to become conscious of and connect positively to the energetic frequencies around us.

May your light always shine brightly in the now and deep into the future.

Lilith White

Published by

Lilith White

Lilith White was born and raised in South Africa. She is the published author of the ground breaking memoir, The Other Side of my Reflection. She believes that we will always be guided to the perfect situations, people, books and insights that will lead us, progressively, to exactly what we need to know along our journey of self discovery. All we need is an openness to hear the messages.